Weapons of choice:
Marlboro Lights(not for long though)
Bee movie fruit flavored snacks
and oh so sweet arizona green tea the king of green teas (fuck sobe)
I just wanted to share a lil comment and mix it up by posting the quote of the day first, that was posted about rafael casal on youtube, you know the barbie and ken 101 guy for all of you readers (lance and kristine) out there and def poetry jam heads.

"All I'm sayin is that the motherfucker's skinny, he doesn't look tough, he don't look like he has heart, plus he's a poet. I'd out-box his faggot ass anyday and he knows it, that's why he'd never fight me.
Poets fuckin suck."-some youtube hater
I don't have anything really enlightening to say about this other than its funny and the last line is just cool to me i think i'm bout to make it my headline on myspace. Actually i'm gonna add a backslash to my original title and "poets fuckin suck." right after. I must say though that you know spoken word/poetry has broken into somewhat of pop culture when someone says POETS FUCKIN SUCK, it would be more culturally current if it said POETS FUCKIN SUCK BRO! or if it posted like this:
PoEtS FuCcIn SuCc BrOoOoO :) lol, rofl, jk
ANYWAYS moving on to more irrelevant things, i've come to the decision that for lent this year i'm going to be giving up cigarettes YES you heard correctly DUN DUN DUN cigarettes. (see how that relates back to the headline UP IN SMOKE clever i know) Now i realize that it won't be the first time i quit smoking and surely not going to be the last. However, i figure now would be a good time to quit smoking since i'm doing the whole deconstructing of just-ray thing on top of that i figure it will be way harder once midterms come around and finals so nows a good time to try. So don't get it mistaken for any real religious move especially since i didn't even know lent was on wednesday i needed to ask my own personal catholicism tour guide oliver deguzman to tell me. I was also thinking of pulling a josh hartnett and going without sex for lent

I mean i guess its sort of a cop out since i have a non existent sex-life as is, but doing the Josh hartnett would mean no *ahem* *ahem* as well. You know no spanking the monkey, no choking the chicken, no waxing the board....you catch my drift. (yes i hope you feel uncomfortable after reading that) I mean unless a real life equivalent of the oh so sexy SHANNYN SASSYMON enters my life, it shouldn't be that hard. right? Well, i'm still going to contemplate on the no sex thing.
Cuz sex and cigs is like peanut butter and jelly you can have one or the other, but their even better together. So instead of smoking i decided to just buy gum instead and just chew that shiet when i feel like smoking. The other thing i plan on doing as a weak supplement is write a poem for every day of lent or at least for how ever long i last without grits. Which of course will be posted here on Poetry, Cigarettes, and BS. If all goes according to plan i'll rename my blog name to something equally clever. And for the 40 days that i quit smoking i'll instead name the gum i'm currently chewing rather than the cigarettes that i would normally be smoking.
So as tradition and habit seems to dictate i'll end this entry with a poem and song of the day
Poem of the day
Ending a Relationship

Dear marb lights,
sharing countless memories
smoke filled lungs,
come common to nights
that seemed to rough
from one night stand regrets,
failed tests,
nagging parents,
i say goodbye to you
for my 2008 lent
You be my one and only
my reason for...living
no dying
slowly at that
killing me softly
in a way only lauryn hill
could truly explain
You made me struggle,
struggle to catch breath
after walking up step
after step
You be my one and only
because after every deeply inhaled hit
you gave me the shiets
So i say good bye my love
no longer in my life do you seem to fit
or at least until i get desperate and say to a homie "LEMME GET A GRIT!!!!!"
Jam that i'm feelin:
Power Struggle-Decolonization process
1 comment:
i will be very impressed if you come through with your sacrifices this season.
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