1. No grits
2. Arizon Green tea
3. No snack
Jam At The Moment
Blue Scholars - Loyalty 2
Poem Of the Day
Trish & I - Untitled Piece
Quote of the day
"Either write something worth reading or DO something worth writing" -Hemingway
Just Ray back in full effect yall with Poetry, Cigarettes & BS. I've been away from the blog world for quite sometime now especially from my own personal blog. Nazer and Lance continue to represent for the Cool Kids hopefully a few posts from yours truly will pop up soon. For now though i think that those that read PC&BS would agree that a post is long over due. With that being said i figured i'd start this post off with a quick recap of the last couple posts on this damn thang.
In February i was supposed to be giving up cigarettes for lent....yea that didn't work out to well, but i am once again taking a crack at it now that its july. I also sought out on the process of Deconstructing Just Ray. This entailed gaining more independance and concentrating more on substance than outward appearance...oh yea that was pretty much a fail as well. I did manage to grow a semi goatee and my hair is pretty long im pretty close to the classic Uncle Jesse steez that i once claimed in 05.
Deconstruction of Just Ray


Yea thats right i'm not scared of putting embarassing pictures up of myself, but check out the differences. Clearly more passionated about life in the before picture and hardly enthusiastic about anything after. Fully clothed before and semi naked + clear view gang tattoos after. What appears to be a marlboro 27 before and fiending for cigarettes in the after. Clean cut + fitted sd cap before and scrubby + cant be contained by hats hairstyle after. Not to mention i seem to be 5 pounds less before and ready to explode in the after. All jokes aside is it me or could these pictures be of two completely different people.
Present Day
The quintessential (yea i had to make sure that the word was correctly used in context) question is Am i any different as a person on the inside after all this time has passed? Simply put yes.
However, i dont attribute my "growing up" to the whole deconstruction process. First of all because i didn't even pull through on about half the things i said i would do. Second I think that given any kind of time a person makes a few changes. Truthfully the whole deal seemed to point to a reason fro me to kind of just scrub the fuck out. Well....i guess that isn't all true. I've done a lot as well as learned a lot since last summer and i must say im pretty proud of myself.
As an individual i feel much stronger, i realized that i am no tough guy rather i'm just passionate. So at times passion turns to anger and i've learned to control that. Apparently my MS paint skills are pro now according to a couple of folks who read the cool kids blog. I do a lot for the community now, more than i had initially planned to. Oh and i did the best i've ever done in school this past semester and managed to get my ass off of Academic Probation. Recently elected Cultural Chair for CSUSM's Kamalayan Alliance..it was a close race you know running against myself but in the end they made the right decision by electing me.
I still have a long way to go as far as growin up and figuring shit out, but i can at least say that i've made steps if not strides towards where i wish to be.
-Just Ray
1 comment:
welcome back!
summer's not exactly the best time to come up with new and inspiring blogs, at least for me it's not lol
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